Show and Tell: Australia/China

As an artist you seek out inspiration from the local sites encountered each day within your community. Your route along your neighborhood streets offers inspiration and each encounter with fellow community members provides a potential muse. Inspiration is always just around the corner.

Though your local findings can be very rewarding, sporadic adventures out of your element, within strange lands and amongst different cultures is something unmatched, and for many… necessary.

Australia and China was next on my list and when the opportunity presented itself, I jumped on it, and in return, it offered a series of learned lessons, both about myself and about foreign culture.

After 5 weeks of traveling, I find myself back in Carlsbad with more inspiration than I know what to do with, tons of memories, new friendships and over 2,000 photos.

Starting tomorrow, I will be sharing it all here on

• Artistic Observations: Australia
• Artistic Observations: China
• Observations of an Artist: The Dude
• A Walking Tour by Jeff the Dude
• Melbourne Street Art
• Hosier Lane Highlight

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at)