I am Carl Crawl


Each day begins with a wander so wide.
A nod at the sun, I follow the tide.

My hat reaches skyward with a buckle askew.
My hair is in tangles, a sight for a rue.

My clothes are simple, faded and old.
My eyes are full of sincerity, my ambition is bold.

I meander in alleys and under low trees.
Ramble on railroads, I’ve never had keys.

I speak in confidence through pictures so grand.
Thoughts tumble onto paper, they drip from my hand.

Introverted by choice and damned from the start,
Fueled by my passions, my mind, my art.

I keep it simple and have yet to fall.
I live in the shadows, I am Carl Crawl.


Have you had a Carl Crawl Spotting? Where was he?

4 Responses to “I am Carl Crawl”

  1. 1 bee honey Oct 8th, 2008 at 3:01 pm

    Sounds like someone I know…

  2. 2 mimi Oct 9th, 2008 at 4:11 pm

    he’s alive, he blinks, freaked me out

  3. 3 Crawlfan Oct 9th, 2008 at 8:32 pm

    Great video. Carl’s hair is perfect.

  1. 1 OUTandABOUT: Nautical-chic « Pingback on Feb 17th, 2009 at 10:02 am
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