Hello Summer 2009: June 21st pt.1/11


Starting today and the following 10 days, carlsbadcrawl.com will be highlighting some favorite summertime spots. Some are frequented by each wave of village and beach visitors and others will only be recongnized by the observant and adventurous local. Looking for a Summertime adventure… check back each day for carlsbadcrawl’s favorite local Summertime spots and activites!

Hello Summer 2009 part 1 of 11

snagsThe Buena Vista Lagoon, Spanish for the “Good View” lagoon, is a popular visit for sunset watchers, nature enthusiast and amateur and experienced fishers. This ecological reserve’s moist edges are thick with a variety of local plant life including broad-leaf cattails, spiny rush and bulrush. Mother ducks lead their ducklings into sunlit marshes and slimy frogs creep dark shadows. A small dam at the West end prevents saltwater from entering the lagoon and the horn of the passing Surfliner awakens the deepest nap.

A smoothly painted bridge on the border of Carlsbad and Oceanside has been leaned on by many local fishers. Fresh water ripples under the hot asphalt of the Coast Highway and a catch is instantly acknowledged by a series of passing honks. The sun awakens the longest lulls and a sunburn cools to the touch of ocean scented offshores. Whether you snag a hog or cast a limp worm, a day on the Buena Vista Lagoon is a day never wasted… just watch out for those pesky mosquitoes!

What fresh water fish have you caught here?

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com