Do you Dance?


Birds flap their feathers through an explosion of color as the sun yawns. The horizon, cold and stormy, is connected to the near lagoon ramp-1.jpgby a bridge of oranges and yellows. High above the mosquito laden water, a concrete foundation, once the bedrock of a delicate house, sits alone during this nightly spectacle of color. Like a widower in front of a vibrating television in a dusty living room, the foundation stares through hallow eyes. Droopy trees hangs low and weeds grow wild surrounding the light red concrete of the empty lot. Greens slowly melt off the surrounding trees as the sun bows. Overhead birds tag anticipating gnats as the day shift ends.

photo-2.jpgCarlsbad, lined with a long sandy coast and sprinkled with marshes and lagoons, provides nightly shows under the bright colors of each sunset. Colors streak across the sky, shot by contrails and greeted by clouds. How do you interact with you surroundings? We are given daily opportunities to engage in the natural beauty of our village. Do you notice the priceless scenes handed to you each day?

When you spot something intriguing, inspiring and beautiful, what do you do? Saying hello and nodding your cap is kind, but emotionless. Feed the flame that burns within. When something captivates, interact like its your last chance. Grab your muse by the hand, hold her tight and dance. Kiss her and whisper flirtations through her curly hair. Rather than a simple acquaintance, form a meaningful and fulfilling relationship!ramp-3.jpg

How do you interact with beauty?

• 1 skateboard
• 1 ramp
• 1 camera with 10 sec. self timer shot
• 1 sunset
• 1 vision

2 Responses to “Do you Dance?”

  1. 1 The Editors Apr 16th, 2008 at 7:50 pm

    Great. Now we have to come looking for this quarter so we can skate it.

  2. 2 Chris Apr 18th, 2008 at 7:36 am

    time to shred… and a buddy ( sparks ) built that ramp!!!! Long live 5140 cbad BLVD.

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