A Visual Tradition

A fascination with the visual may come from the invested hours in search of Waldo, the bright colors of Sesame Street or from the influence of your family.

For those who seek visual entertainment, Christmas time is a jackpot of brightly colored nuggets. As the sun recedes and the chimneys smoke, festive decorations awaken with the vibrancy of the Vegas strip. A dinner table chat continues into the family wagon as the slumbering streets of Carlsbad are navigated by families in search for their favorite decorations. Wide-eyed children awe at clumps of color, each individual to the owner’s taste. Scouring parents drive the streets of sprawling residential areas looking for clumps of blinking lights which would rival a techno beat driven ecstasy party. Along with the mental notes and nominations, an ongoing tally of Christmas light presentations are mentally recorded by each competitive child. A rubbernecked glance creates an explosion of alertness prompting another frenzied scan. Long episodes of silence are accompanied by the introverted screams of a sibling competition. A delayed stoplight is like a paused video game, but the anticipation of a distant glow is like a Christmas Eve peek under your parent’s bed. The silent drive continues until a shooting star is mistaken for Santa’s sleigh, prompting a childhood desire for slumber. The family tradition comes to an end as the wagon turns its last corner and slowly rolls down the street of lights which began the hunt. Unable to wait, erratic numbers are announced and bluffs are called; favorites are described and secrets are shared; smiles are smirked and laughter explodes. Another yearly drive brings all to hugs while hand clasped parents glow as bright as the lights which surround them.

Christmas comes and goes, but holiday traditions stay forever. What memories do you have and what traditions do you plan on continuing?

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com