A Newsworthy Project

link to story online

A weed sprouts in an unfavorable environment. It reaches skyward with solid passions and begins its journey. Upon a prickly stem, a yellow flower blossoms. It greets the day with the eyes of an innocent child whom rarely is held. Its leaves spread wide in hopes to attract the warmth of a tight hug. Undaunted by its ill favored situation, the weed grows wild, watered byweed-growth.jpg uncontrollable aspiration and fueled by the rays of burning ambitions. The weed becomes confident and releases its creative seed into the light coastal breeze. The dirt in which the weed once sprouted from now animates rich with future hope. Other weeds begin to sprout resulting in the development of culture and the beginning of a local movement.

Would you like to be part of a local collective based on creative expression? Contact theartist@carlsbadcrawl.com with photos of your art, poems, ideas and/or suggested stories!

Help Carlsbad’s artistic culture grow…

One ornament remains in the streets of the village. Click HERE for a visual hint!

Email all thoughts, stories and photos to theartist (at) snyderartdesign.com